Thursday, January 2, 2020

Charter Schools vs. Public Schools Essay - 1341 Words

Charter Schools vs. Public Schools Are charter schools the right choice to the educational needs of our children? Charter schools are tuition free public schools created and operated by parents, organizations, and community groups to fill student’s educational needs. Charter schools consider educating their students as the priority, and identify how children’s learning needs are different from each other, so they came up with different ways on educating their students such as learning in small groups, or by participating in hands on learning. Along with their unique programs such as art, math, and science, charter schools are also the stronger academic choice for students. Parents should consider charter schools for their children’s†¦show more content†¦Public education has had a negative effect on students; it’s often because of the bigger class sizes, poor test scores, and high crime in the surrounding areas. Public schools need to revise their system to determine what’s t he best fit for their student’s educational needs. All children who live in a school district have a right to attend a district school. Many parents would like more options and opportunities for their child, and would like to be involved in their child’s education. Charter schools are part of the answer for a better educational choice for children’s academic achievement. Charter schools have many successful methods and continue to pave the way for children’s education needs . Most charter schools offer a better education program then most public schools. Many individuals can say that their attendance at Cleveland public school, and that their time there had a positive effect on their lives. However, Cleveland public schools are now a disgrace. Most have a high rating of high school drop outs and teen pregnancies, and a record of students failing all five parts of the Ohio graduation test. This can happen anywhere and at any school, but happens more often at public schools . Therefore schools are the best alternative for children’s educational needs. Cleveland has many different charter schools to choose from, and one of those types is called breakthrough schools. Breakthrough schools are one of Cleveland’sShow MoreRelatedCharter School Vs. Public Schools974 Words   |  4 PagesSuccess Why choose to go to Charter School rather than public school? Charter schools are public school of choice, meaning families choose for their children. Federal legislation provides grants to help charters to manage start-up costs. They create better educational opportunities for the students therefore they have higher expectations in teaching. Charter Schools and zoned (public) schools are tuition free but unfortunately not everyone can get in to Charter school, since it works by lotteryRead MoreCharter Schools Vs. 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